EveryDay Rose Bouquet
Everyday, there is something special to celebrate. From the simplest of event, to the most monumental occasion. 12 LS roses is a vase can be your go-to arrangement. **Available in Red, White, Pink. Hot Pink, Yellow,...
FTD Sunny Sentiments Bouquet - Deluxe
Share some sunshine with your loved ones with this cheery bouquet. Designed with uplifting shades of yellow, this bouquet features classic blooms to boost their mood & make any day brighter.
FTD Sunny Sentiments Bouquet - Premium
Share some sunshine with your loved ones with this cheery bouquet. Designed with uplifting shades of yellow, this bouquet features classic blooms to boost their mood & make any day brighter.
The FTD® Truly Stunning Bouquet -Premium
This dreamy jewel toned bouquet combines bold color and eye catching texture to make a statement. Featuring a thoughtful array of both roses and lilies, this dazzling assortment is bound to impress your recipient.