FTD One and Only Bouquet-Exqisite
Beautiful pink blooms with bright orange spray roses as accents in a summery vase arrangement.
FTD One and Only Bouquet-Premium
Beautiful vase arrangement of mixed pink blooms with bright orange accent spray roses.
FTD Sweet & Pretty Bouquet - Premium
Shades of pink create a welcoming bouquet suitable for someone special.
FTD Sweet & Pretty Bouquet - Standard
Shades of pink create a welcoming bouquet suitable for someone special.
Sweet Success
Brightly coloured matching roses and gerbera daisies are sure to please. Available in pale pink, bright/hot pink, yellow,and seasonally red & orange.
Angels Grace
Beautiful angel keepsake with the addition of a rose spray. **Three angels to choose from, as well as choice of roses-pink. white or red.** ***Angel measures 12"h x 6.5"w x 5"d***
FTD Everyday Love Bouquet
Any day is a great day to show someone how much you love them with this bright pink arrangement.
FTD Light of my Life Box-Premium
From life’s big moments to sweet just because sentiments, the Light of My Life Box Bouquet is designed to celebrate your loved ones any day of the year. RSVP’d to the party are hot pink carnations, orange roses, lavender cushion poms and lush...
FTD Light of my Life Box-Standard
From life’s big moments to sweet just because sentiments, the Light of My Life Box Bouquet is designed to celebrate your loved ones any day of the year. RSVP’d to the party are hot pink carnations, orange roses, lavender cushion poms and lush...
Yellow Brick Road-Exquisite
Transport her to the Land of Oz with this enchanting mix of sunflowers, Sweet William dianthus, and mini carnations.
Yellow Brick Road-Premium
Transport her to the Land of Oz with this enchanting mix of sunflowers, Sweet William dianthus, and mini carnations.